break attracted them came from the poor and near‐poor, the problems it caused for the PNP served to
encourage many JLPs to go and vote.
Chart 3: Reactions to $18,000 Tax Break
Tax break idea is
ridiculous! (145)
Does not help me (61)
Too PNP to be affected by
it (43)
Attracted me (41)
Made me feel
disrespected (10)
No comment on subject
Impact of the debate and Tax Break on vote
Impact on the PNP
The most powerful impact is felt when the factors are combined: 7 working class PNPs
(3 males, 4 females under 35 years) voted for the JLP due to feeling insulted by the
skipping of the debate and the lure of the tax break combined. According to a working
class female, “Portia dissed me …so I showed her who is boss!”
Sixteen PNPs (7 young UM females, 3 young UM males, 2 mature UM females, 1 mature
UM male, and 3 young PN females) stayed at home due to being insulted by the
skipping of the debate and the annoyance of “seeing the JLP go all out to try and do
something to win the election.”
Fourteen (14) PNPs (11 males included) were encouraged to vote against the JLP due to
the proposed tax break “that take man for fool. Believe it I was not going to go and vote
until I heard it.”